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More Fully Myself

This morning I am in Birmingham - and in the confusion of knowing or not knowing if B-Ham was central or eastern time zone - I am up an hour earlier than planned. Oh - well it makes way for the time to put some thoughts down about my desire for the life I seek to lead.

practicing extreme obedience
fierce faithfulness
swift in care for others
responsive, rushing readiness
to move at a moments notice
when even a hint or a whisper of God's will
reaches my listening heart
no part of God revealed going unnoticed
ever repentant
throwing down the erected altars of the old me
with all its fading glory
broken though made whole
at war and yet peaceful
ruling while being ruled
rising while bowing down
extreme freedom in the midst of slavery
resting though laboring
longing for something more and yet strangely content
being me not at all
yet more fully myself than ever before
joyful dichotomy of a life hidden an yet revealed in Christ.

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posted by Fragrant Burning @ 11:27 AM,


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