About Me
Tuesday, March 11, 2003
- e*nig*ma: a mystery, secret, closed book, riddle; one that is puzzling or inexplicable; something that baffles understand-ing and cannot be explained; a difficult problem.
I'm an enigma even to myself. See there is a desire in me, a desire daily to live & to die in order that I might know God intimately. My heart desires radical obedience & unwavering servanthood - but my flesh screams against each step that takes me deeper into these realities.
- soul: the spiritual nature of humans, regarded as immortal.
- up*ris*ing: moving or progressing toward a higher level or degree; coming to maturity; emerging; the leaven or yeast used to make dough rise.
My soul desires this - this UPRISING. It desires to curicfy excuses, to surrender itself, to be consumed by Christ and to come into maturity, into the fullness of life that God said could be mine. But my flesh is so very weak.
A couple of quick facts about me. I'm a missionary in Cairo, Illinois. I'm in love with a man named Jesus who has captured my heart in the most amazing way! I am the bride of Christ and I choose to lavish my love on this One Man, Jesus Christ, Lover of my soul. I choose HIM, because He chose me. I love HIM because He loved me first.
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posted by Fragrant Burning @ 10:46 AM,