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Sunday, December 30, 2007
Fragrant Burning - I first heard these two words together in a song, with the same name by Derek Loux (you should be hearing it play even as you read this!). It caught me. One of my life verses has been Romans 12:1 -
Therefore, I urge you, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship.
With the joining of these two words - I now had a visual picture of the way I desired my life to be before God. A visual picture of the way I felt for it brought together many feelings, callings, revelations all into one magnificant picture. I desire to be a fragrant burning, a sweet smell, pleasing to God. I want to pour my love out on Jesus extravagantly. This fire is consuming me, my flesh, my desires, my hopes, my will - it is purifying me. Sometimes the heat of this fire gives me warmth in the coldest of times and sometimes the heat is so searing that I want to run from it.
But today - I choose to stay.
Oh - by the way - if you like the song, you can download it free. Here's the link!
posted by Fragrant Burning @ 2:07 PM,