God's Secret
Sunday, May 15, 2005
When I moved to Cairo I didn't have a big vision or anything. Here was my plan.
• Live in Cairo.
• Get to know my neighbors.
• Pray.
• Do a cookie ministry from my front porch to get to know the kids in the neighborhood.
There it was - Kristy's ministry plan for Cairo - prayer & cookies.
As I just wrote that - I realized - I wasn't too far off. Prayer is the foundation of what God has called me to do here - and kids still come to my house to bake cookies. God's plan has just turned out to be a little bit more extensive and requiring a whole lot more faith and dependence on Him than I could ever had imagined.
I appreciate that God is sometimes secretive in His plans for us. If He had let me see too much of His plan - I know my faintness of heart would have had me cowering in the corner.
Just to let you know - He still has to reveal things a little at a time - and though my faith and trust has grown immensely in these past few years, I still have Peter moments - where I jump out in faith on the water and then start to look around at the circumstances and begin to doubt.
I'm glad God keeps secrets!
posted by Fragrant Burning @ 10:49 AM,