Praise Offering
Saturday, April 22, 2006
The last couple of days I have been at a retreat to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the outpouring at Azuza Street. I have been fellowshipping with a wonderful group of people, some who I have gotten to know and deeply love and respect. But these couple of days havn't been without their struggles - as this group is mainly Pentecostal and the difference in the style of worship and even the expectation of what real praise looks like has made me inquire of God.
A shout
a dance in the aisle
running, falling, rolling
Is this the kind of praise you desire from me?
Have I failed to offer the fullness of what I can give
Does my praise offering
made in the quietness of soul
convey to you the same adoration
A life bowed before you
A tear of repentance or of joy
A loving gaze seeking your face
Heart uplifted in gratitude of who you are
A hand raised in adoration
acknowledging your greatness and glory
A quiet song directed by your Spirit
or does my silence mock you
Am I a coward
fearful of man
sinful in omission
unwilling to offer the praise you deserve
One thing is sure - I cannot discern my own heart
Reveal myself to me
teach me Lord
Move my heart to conviction
or let me stand in solitude of soul
confident that my offering of praise
fills your cup to overflowing
posted by Fragrant Burning @ 8:25 AM,