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Dictation from God

God has dictated some things to me - this was the first time that it has happened in this way. He talked I wrote. It happened this past Thursday morning as I was in the prayer room. Sometimes stuff like this is hard for me to acknowledge - it can sound arrogant - that I'm making it up to glorify myself. It's not - I have asked God why me and He has said it has nothing to do with me all to do with Him and He chose me, not because I'm so great, but because I'm weak and hungry and willing to say yes in my desperation.

Prophetic Word:
An earthquake is coming first in the spiritual and then in the natural - that will set off a 3rd shaking in the spiritual that will reach around the world. Pastor's must come together. I will release an understanding to them. Unity will be recognized by me when 7 churches come together. Complete protection is available but only through the churches. Your act - creating a place of habitation will provide a place of refuge within and after the shaking. If there is no habitation - there is no refuge. It only takes the 3, but requires the 3. I will release signs even before. I will provide physical warnings. You are to declare my desired protection. The pastors must trumpet the warning and call for the city to repent. I will protect all that have joined you at that time, there will be many. The harvest is ready. The pastors must reap. Prayer and fasting are required for release. This place will be a sign to the nations that my return is at hand. I have chosen this place to reveal my glory. I have chosen you as a people. I do this for my glory, rewards are yours if you continue to say yes. You must choose this path if destruction is to be averted. You are the last defense - you are my last provision for this people. If you refuse you must leave for destruction will come. You won't refuse. (God was responding to a question in my heart at that point) Don't fear for it is my pleasure to give you the Kingdom. (Again God is talking to me through a verse that He gave me in a dream a couple of weeks ago.) Yes you are insignificant and weak and faithless and I will receive the glory for this reason. (I was balking a bit - God why me, I'm so ...)

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posted by Fragrant Burning @ 12:19 PM,


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